
This is a history of our site thus far in its life cycle. I hope you enjoy the historicalness of it.

Why Make A Website?

I decided to make a website when I was nine years old because I thought it would be cool if I was able to give something to the online fandoms of Sonic and Inuyasha. Plus, I was a little bit of an attention-desiring little girl back then and liked the publicity sites like Sonic Stadium got for having a website and being great resources to the Sonic Community. Apart from those my decision to start my own website sprang from the fact I was a kid who had (and still has) a looooooooot of time on her hands and I wanted something that I could commit to and would occupy a good portion of that time (because I practically have no life off of the net, the computer IS my life).

So How Was The Site Started?

At nine years old I had only been on the computer for about a year so I wasn't very adept at it quite yet. I had already made some internet friends on Sonic Anime Forums (the first Sonic Community I ever joined) and felt ready to try to start making a website. One of my old friends from SA had started her own site (which is now kinda abandoned but none-the-less) and gave me the link to Freewebs where I began my website owning life.

At first I wasn't sure what to name my site and went over a lot of different names. I knew I wanted my site to be based on my two favorite obsessions at the time (Inuyasha and Sonic) but I couldn't come up with a single name that wasn't corny or downright stupid sounding. Plus the name had to be something easy for people to remember so it was even more difficult for me, but I eventually settled on the name "Inuyasha and Sonic Heaven".

The site went well for a while, though it had very few pages and my Episode Summeries were descriptions I copied and pasted from another site (>_____<). Eventually I got sick of Freewebs because it wasn't allowing me to make more than seven pages. So I high-tailed it out of that host and began to search for a new one.

It was then that I found Galacnet. They allowed for HTML (which I had learned a little) and allowed me an infinite number of pages! All was well for a little bit more until one day a friend of mine from a Pokemon Community I was an admin for pointed out to me that I was still using one of Freewebs' templates which could be considered stealing. So I paniced (cause I tend to do that when I'm scared, who doesn't?) and begged him to help me find a way to change the layout. He offered to make one for me and I gleefully accepted, considering he was more experienced with HTML and Java than I was.

So then the site went on hiatus as Ice and I worked on rebuilding the site. The current three layouts on the site now are the (almost) original ones he coded in 2005. Soon though we had to move again because in the span of our working not only did we find out Galacnet didn't support a needed feature for the site's code to work, but their database had been hacked and all my files were deleted (damn hackers....). Nothing I did could make the File Manager work so we started looking for a new host.

We started settling into Bravenet but they too didn't support the thing Ice needed to make the code work and soon afterwards we settled here on Tripod.

We worked on the site for a few months but Ice suddenly stopped coming on and well....I haven't seen him since then, so he's officially left the internet as far as I know.

Two years later I now run this site with my good friend Ki and soon (hopefully) Rad Riardos (though he won't be officially on board for some time due to personal problems but he requested for me to leave his spot open for when he can finally come back). We're still growing, still changing, and I STILL love Sonic and Inuyasha as much as I did those many years ago on Freewebs!

I hope that someday Ice will return and find the site again (or me, granted he never changed his IM screen name) and come back to be the HTML Coder but until then I can only put up a little thank you to him, for without his help the very site you're viewing would probably not exist.
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Webmistress: Inu_queen, Layout Creator: Ice,
Copyright: I & S Heaven is ©Inu_queen 2005-2007. No information, images, or related subjects may be used without my permission. Sonic and all related characters are ©SEGA and Sonic Team 1991-2007. Inuyasha and all related characters are ©Rumiko Takahashi 2002-2007.

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