
Our Link page for the Sonic Section. I have checked all these sites out and like them very much. Please pay them a visit.

Twinkle Park
A must visit site for SonAmy fans!
Sonic On The.Net
A forum that offers torrents for Sonic related things as well as other games and shows.
Save Sonic 360!
A Petition to Sonic Team to fix the many errors of the much-hyped "Sonic The Hedgehog" game for the Xbox 360. Anyone who has played this game may know of just a few of the problems, and anyone who actually followed its production news will know all the stuff missing that was supposed to be there. Sonic Team is holding back the PS3 version to make changes to it, leaving the 360 version as the beta and us as the guinea pigs. That's unfair to us, the fans, so if you agree that the 360 game should be recalled and fixed like the PS3 version, sign this petition!
Viz Media to Redub Sonic X and One Piece Petition
A Petition stating that VIZ Media should redub Sonic X and One Piece. If you're a fan of Sonic X and are just as appaled at how 4Kids did it, sign here!
Shadow of a Hedgehog
An excellent site for downloading Sonic music and other sorts of media goodies.
The Sonic Stadium
The King of all Sonic Sites, you would have to have been under a cyber rock all your life to not know this site. A must visit for any Sonic fan, they have literally EVERYTHING!
Sonic HQ
The information station of the Sonic Universe. Like my site, they're split with Sonic and another game/anime but their site has a lot more. Yes, you can find a lot of things here, even almost all of the Comic Issues!
Sonic Anime
Currently, the awesome Sonic X resource is just a forum now but I'm told the site will come back, eventually. None-the-less, if you need a place to freely talk about anything and everything Sonic, pay this place a visit, you're almost guranteed to make some new friends.
Sonic TV Fan
Fan of SatAM? Join the fanlisting!
Do you like Shadow? Love him to bits? This fanlisting is for you then!
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Webmistress: Inu_queen, Layout Creator: Ice,
Copyright: I & S Heaven is ©Inu_queen 2005-2007. No information, images, or related subjects may be used without my permission. Sonic and all related characters are ©SEGA and Sonic Team 1991-2007. Inuyasha and all related characters are ©Rumiko Takahashi 2002-2007.

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