
Bugs/Technical Difficulties
Affiliation Requests
Fanart/Fan Fiction Submissions
Avatar/Image Submissions
Fan Videos
IMing Me

Bugs/Technical Difficulties

If there are any problems with the site or forums please contact me immediately at and I will address and try to fix the problem as soon as possible.

Affiliation Requests

If you would like to affiliate with either section click on the "Apply?" links at the top or bottom of the affiliates tables. Fill out the form and I will recieve your submission.

Please read the following rules before you apply for affiliation:

- Please have your site at LEAST 50% complete! One or two broken links is fine but try not to have more than that if you can.
- Have a button I can use. I will not put text links in my affiliate tables and am too busy to make a button for you.
- I need to see my button on your site. It doesn't matter where, just somewhere I can easily see it.
- No stolen content! I HATE thieves, especially art thieves! If I see any stolen content on your site (unless you have the permission stated somewhere on your site) not only will I deny your submission but I WILL report your site.
- Needs to be Sonic or Inuyasha related. I do accept websites that have anime (like the two sites on the Splash page) but I'd prefer websites that have Sonic or Inuyasha as a part of them.
- You need to update at LEAST twice a month! If I suspect your site to be dead I will remove you.
- No hentai/adult things.
- Put sonikku as the Secret Word to make sure you read these rules, if the word isn't right I won't accept your submission.
- WEBSITE, not FORUM! I will ONLY affiliate with websites!
Thank you and feel free to apply! ^_^

Fanart/Fan Fiction Submissions

If you have a piece of fanart or fan fiction you would like to submit to us to see on the site please e-mail me with these instructions:

For Fanart:

- Please make sure it is appropiate for the site, nothing nude, suggestive, or otherwise adulty. No HEAVY violence, please.
- It must be YOUR OWN work, don't take credit for someone else's artwork, that's art thievary and I hate that.
- Please tell me a nickname or name you want to be called so I can give your gallery an appropiate name.

For Fan Fiction:

- A little cursing is fine but don't go overboard with it.
- No sexual content, pecks or cheek kissing is acceptable but no more than that.
- When submitting please submit each chapter in one e-mail, I can't handle a thousand seperate e-mails per chapter.
- Please make sure the fic is well written, very few spelling and grammar mistakes so don't have "Yo! INuYasHa is tah RoXXorz" or anything of that sort.
- If you wish, leave me a name to call you as the author of the fanfic, and if you wish to recieve feedback by people who read it, leave me an e-mail address and I'll put it with your story.
- Make the story have a good plot, as much as I love hilarious random fics of randomness, I'd like to put good plotted stories here.
- If it is a chapter story please have the chapters lengthy, 2 paragraphs is not lengthy. Lengthy would be about 3-3 1/2 to 4 Word pages or more.
- We take stories that are posted on Fanfiction.Net as well!

Avatar/Image Submissions

If you made some avatars you would like to give us for others to use either on our forums or somewhere else, please e-mail it to me and I will put it on the site with your name.


- Should fit dimensions for a specific Messenger, for example MSN avatars are 96x96 and AIM avatars are 48x48.
- Need to be appropiate for all people, no sexual jokes or otherwise crude stuff.
- Should be Sonic related.


- Need to fit dimensions for browsers. Most browsers are either 1024x768 or 800x600.
- Needs to be related to Sonic
- For safety issues if you don't want art thieves, watermark your wallpapers but in small font that can still be read.
- Try to make it look nice, people like to have nice desktop images.
- No crude stuff, keep it clean.

Fan Videos

- Needs to be clean, you don't want to be guilty about ruining a kid's innocence.
- It can be a re-dub of a scene from a Sonic video game or a Sonic Cartoon, but if you have some language in it (like most hilarious re-dubs I know) and still beep some of it out, I will put it up but I will mark it as having some language.
- Your video can be an AMV (Anime Music Video) or a GMV (Game Music Video), as long as the song isn't bad (as in, it's something people can easily listen to w/o their ears bleeding) and doesn't have strong language or strong suggestive themes (like 98% of rap music these days.....).
- Your video has to be Sonic related.
- It can be hand made by you, there's nothing wrong with that!

IMing Me

I like recieving site feedback so if anyone wants to IM me, my two most used IM names are on the Staff page. However, if I don't give an instant response, it's not because I don't like you, it's because I sometimes tend to be busy a lot with either talking to other people or doing other things away from the computer. Here's a few rules though (they're not strict, I promise) if you want to talk to me:

- State who you are immediately after you IM me if you're on AIM. If you don't I'll have to send you a thousand questions about who you are, why you're IMing me, and how you got my SN. Just say a greeting and then immediately tell me who you are (your first name or your cyberspace name, I won't know the difference) and signify to me that you got my SN from the site.

- Try to talk intelligently to me, or at least try to make sense. I can't decipher a lot of 1337 speak or a lot of chat speak (except for a few words). Just please try to type "are" and not "r", it bugs me.

- Be friendly. I like to talk to people that are easy to get along with, so please don't be withdrawn from me, I won't bite you!

- Please don't spam the IM box, it's annoying to see the same thing said ten million times in a row.

- Don't worry about insulting me, if you say something I might take as offensive, I won't get instantly mad at you, I'll just lightly snap, but it won't seriously offend me. It takes quite a lot to offend me to the point of blocking you.

- Try to make conversation. I may not be very talkative to people I'm not familiar with but don't just sit there and not try to talk to me. Just find something I can talk about, like Sonic, Inuyasha, Pokemon, any of that, just try, I promise if you have something to talk about I'll talk more actively.

- If I had been actively talking to you and suddenly go quiet, I'm most likely temporarily away from the computer. If that happens, just nudge me (on MSN) or send a little "Hello?" every few minutes.
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-Art Thieves Click Here
-Coloring Pages
-How to Spot an Art Thief
-Fanfiction Dictionary
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-Guest Book
Webmistress: Inu_queen, Layout Creator: Ice,
Copyright: I & S Heaven is ©Inu_queen 2005-2007. No information, images, or related subjects may be used without my permission. Sonic and all related characters are ©SEGA and Sonic Team 1991-2007. Inuyasha and all related characters are ©Rumiko Takahashi 2002-2007.

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