Sonic Underground. The one Sonic Cartoon that underwent the most changes from the regular game based Sonic. Sonic himself is still the same. Light-heartedly mocking Robotnik, trying to save Mobius, using his speed to stop everything Robotnik throws his way. But this time he's not alone! No, the SatAM characters aren't here(that's right, no Tails), insted Sonic is accompanied by his twin brother and sister, Sonya (sister) and Manic (brother). More details in the Story page.
Sonic Underground Main Theme
Story-- The main story of the series
Characters-- All the characters in the series
Episode Guide-- The guide to all the episodes
Episode Scripts-- Scripts of the episodes, word for word; scene by scene
Screenshots-- Screencaps sorted by episode from the series
Voice Actors-- The amazing people who voiced the characters
Stuff To Ponder-- Things about the series that we may never know
Lyrics-- Lyrics to the songs in the series
Extra-- Extra stuff related to the series for download